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​All pharmacists authorized to dispense controlled substances must register and maintain a KASPER (Kentucky All Schedule Prescription Electronic Reporting) account.

Review KASPER Information

​Open Records​

​​ ​​​​​​​​​Open Records Policy

 Open Records Form​


Please visit the Licensing Gateway Portal​ to gather more information about applying or renewing a license, permit, or registration with the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy. The Licensure Gateway is a single portal to manage licenses, permits, and registrations associated with the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy. It grants access to printable license/registration/permit certificates, change of contact and employment information, online renewal applications and is used to submit all applications.

For Individuals:  The first time you go to the Licensure Gateway, you will register yourself, creating a Username & Password; you will need to link your KY Board of Pharmacy License / Registration at the beginning of the process. 

For Facilities:  The Pharmacist-in-Charge (if applicable) will be the facility administrator. Additional facility admins will need to register and create their own unique login in the Gateway.

Click the links below for step-by-step guides:

Are you new to the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy and need to submit a new application?

Register a New Profile Not Licensed or Registered 

Are you an existing , or previously licensed, pharmacist seeking renewal? The steps in this guide also applies to currently registered, or previously registered, pharmacy technicians.

Renew My Pharmacist License

Are you a brand new pharmacy technician seeking registration? 

Register as a Pharmacy Technician

Are you seeking to be an administrator of an existing licensed or permitted facility? ​​

Register a New Profile as Facility Administrator of an Existing Licensed or Permitted Facility

Video tutorials available on the Board of Pharmacy's YouTube Channel ​

Scam Alert

​The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy has been made aware that some licensees have received fraudulent communications from individuals claiming to be from the Board of Pharmacy, or another agency, such as the DEA. The communications, often by phone, and even by letter may threaten arrest or license suspension, demand personal information, or require the payment of fines. Please note:
  • Phone calls may “spoof” appear to be from our number;
  • If you need to verify the identity of a KY Board of Pharmacy investigator, call 502-564-7910 or email
  • The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy will never demand that you provide personally identifying information, such as social security number, date of birth, bank or credit card account numbers over the phone;
  • These type of licensing scams are a problem nationwide.

If you believe you are the recipient of a fraudulent communication claiming to be from the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy:

The Drug Enforcement Administration also has warned of imposters posing as DEA agents. Information and reporting of these scams can be found at this DEA website​.

License/Registration Lookup​​​

The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy website is considered primary source verification and is actually the preferred method of licensure verification. Both JCAHO and the Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Office of the Inspector General, consider verification through the website as evidence of licensure.

Any disciplinary actions prior to 1997 may not be displayed.

A certified verification request can be found on the search result page for immediate delivery via email. There is a $5.00 fee for the certified verification. 

Start a Search

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Updated 3/28/2025
