All fully executed board authorized protocols must be submitted to the Board prior to being implemented via the Licensure Gateway Portal.
Please note: immunization and naloxone protocols are not required for submission to the board.
The highlights of the changes or clarifications made to 201 KAR 2:380 include:
• The protocol may only be signed by a Kentucky licensed physician or Kentucky licensed advanced practice registered nurse practitioner. No other practitioner (e.g. Physician Assistant) will have the authority to sign a board authorized protocol;
• Only pharmacists who are party to the protocol agreement are allowed to implement/utilize the protocol
o Pharmacists utilizing the protocol must be appropriately licensed and employed by or contracted with the permit holder;
• The PIC is responsible for submitting the fully executed protocol to the Board of Pharmacy and for submitting notification of discontinuation of the protocol no later than 30 days after discontinuing the protocol;
• The protocol must be sent to the Board of Pharmacy prior to implementation;
• The Board of Pharmacy will maintain a protocol registry;
• A Protocol Review Committee will be appointed and meet at least quarterly to:
o Evaluate new protocols proposed
o Review previously authorized protocols.
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