Pursuant to KRS 315.4102, a Third Party Logistics Provider license is required to operate as a Third Party Logistics Provider in Kentucky. Third Party Logistics Provider licenses expire annually on June 30th. Online renewals will be available beginning in May via Licensure Gateway.
Requirements for a non-resident Third Party Logistics Provider License
Complete the Third Party Logistics Initial Application via Licensure Gateway.
A payment of $400, paid online or by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
For non-resident facilities, submit the following additional documentation:
Copy of resident state license
Copy of DEA registration (if applicable)
Copy of most recent inspection report
Copy of FDA Third Party Logistics registration
License verification from resident state or primary source verification from resident state
Disciplinary history (if applicable)
If paying by check, mail to:
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300 125 Holmes Street Frankfort, KY 40601
The following can be completed via Licensure Gateway under Permit Options:
Change of Ownership for an existing permit/license
Change of Address/Location for an existing permit/license
Name Change for an existing permit/license
Facility Renewal