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Prescription Blanks

Updated 4/4/2019

Q. Can a prescriber use a pre-printed blank for controlled substances?

A. No.  A prescriber can use a computer generated prescription or a stamp.902 KAR 55:105 Section 3(3)(b)

Q. Can a prescriber use a stamp for controlled substance prescriptions?

A. Yes.  A prescriber may use a stamp for the drug name, strength, quantity and directions but may not stamp the date, patient name or the prescriber's signature.902 KAR 55:105 Section 3(3)(c)

Q. A prescriber’s name is not preprinted on the controlled substance security blank but is handwritten on the blank.  Is this acceptable?

A. Yes, the prescriber’s name, address and telephone number may be preprinted, stamped, typed or manually printed on the prescription.902 KAR 55:105 Section 3(2)

Q. Can a prescriber use another prescriber’s controlled substance security blank for prescriptions?

A. Yes, as long as the prescriber using the controlled substance security blank stamps, types or manually prints his/her name (and address and telephone number if different) on the prescription blank.902 KAR 55:105 Section 3(2)

Prescription Blanks