Non-Resident Pharmacy Permits and Special Limited Pharmacy Permits
Non-Resident Pharmacy Permits
Non-Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit - Clinical Practice
Non-Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit - Medical Gas
Non-Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit - Charitable
Pharmacy permits expire annually on June 30th. Online renewals will be available
beginning in May via Licensure Gateway under Permit Options. Delinquent renewal fee of $150 is assessed if permit has
KASPER Prescription Upload Program
Pharmacies are required to report to KASPER within one business day of dispensing a controlled substance in KY as provided for under KRS 218A.202 and 902 KAR 55:110.
Pharmacies should report dispensed controlled substance information through the KASPER Data Collection System. Reporting data to KASPER requires establishing an account via the Cabinet single sign-on system, Kentucky Online Gateway, then registering as an uploader in the KASPER Data Collection System.
Data Reporting Waivers
Pharmacies with a DEA license who certify that they do not dispense any controlled substances in Kentucky must register as a KASPER data reporter. However, once registered CHFS can provide a reporting waiver email. Dispensers can request a reporting waiver by contacting KASPER staff at
The following can be completed via Licensure Gateway under Permit Options:
Change in PIC
Pharmacist-In-Charge changes should be submitted to the Board within 14 calendar days to avoid any disciplinary actions.The Kentucky Board of Pharmacy recommends a beginning and ending inventory of all controlled substances with a change in Pharmacist-in-Charge.
Dual PIC Request - Complete the online form. The request will be presented at the next scheduled Board meeting for review. Note: Dual PIC requests are not required for Medical Gas Permits or Manufacturers.
Change of Address/Location for an existing Permit/License
Remodels within an existing location [no change in existing approved perimeter wall structure or security] are not required to submit an application. They should contact their inspector and notify them of this change. Remodels within an existing location [changes will be made to their existing approved perimeter wall structure or security] are required to submit an application and receive Board approval prior to the change
Name Change for an existing Pharmacy Permit
Manage Employees
Change in Ownership
Close Facility
Additional Resources:
PIC Checklist - A Pharmacists-in-Charge tool to review for general responsibilities.
KRS 217.177 Required Documents: