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Resident Pharmacy Permit Information

Updated 12/11/2024

Pursuant to KRS 315.035, a pharmacy permit is required to operate a pharmacy in Kentucky. Pharmacy permits expire annually on June 30th. Online renewals will be available beginning in May. Delinquent renewal fee of $150 is assessed if permit has lapsed.

Applications must be submitted via Licensure Gateway. An​​ applicant must be registered with the Licensure Gateway Portal to process any application with the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy. 

Requirements for a Resident Pharmacy Permit

  • Complete the Resident Pharmacy Application via Licensure Gateway.
  • A payment of $150, paid online or by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
  • If paying by check, mail to
    State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
    125 Holmes Street
    Frankfort, KY 40601
Community Pharmacy Inspection Template
Hospital Pharmacy Inspection Template
Nonsterile Pharmacy Inspection Template
Sterile Pharmacy Inspection Template
Nuclear Pharmacy Inspection Template
USP 825 Inspection form​

Requirements for a Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit - Clinical Practice

Pursuant to 201 KAR 2:340, a permit is required for a pharmacy that maintains patient records and other information for the purpose of engaging in the practice of pharmacy and does not dispense prescription drug orders. 

  1. ​Complete the Resident Pharmacy: Clinical Practice Pharmacy Initial​​ Application via Licensure Gateway. 
  2. A payment of $150, paid online or by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
  3. If paying by check, mail to

State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601


Requirements for a Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit - Medical Gas

Pursuant to 201 KAR 2:225, a special pharmacy permit is required to distribute medical gases in Kentucky.

  1. Complete the  Resident Pharmacy: Medical Gas Initial Application via Licensure Gateway. 
  2. A payment of $150, paid online or by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
  3. If paying by check, mail to:
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

​Medical Gas Inspection Template​


​​Requirements for a Resident Special Limited Pharmacy Permit- Charitable Pharmacy

Pursuant to 201 KAR 2:240, a permit is required for a charitable organization to dispense legend drugs and the procedures for the safe dispensing of legend drugs to citizens of the Commonwealth. 

  1. ​Complete the Resident Pharmacy: Charitable Pharmacy Initial Application​ via Licensure Gateway.
  2. A payment of $150, paid online or by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
  3. If paying by check, mail to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601​​​

Resident Pharmacy Permit Information