Outsourcer Facility Information

Updated 8/5/2024

Pursuant to KRS 315.340 and KRS 315.342​, an Outsourcer Facility license is required to operate as an Outsourcer Facility in Kentucky. Outsourcer Facility licenses expire annually on June 30th. Renewal postcards will be mailed at the end of April. Online renewals will be available beginning in May.​ If you wish to renew by paper, the paper renewal application will be available on this page on or before May 1st.

An outsourcing facility licensed in Kentucky is required to have a Kentucky-licensed pharmacist in charge (PIC). 201 KAR 2:400(1)(1)(g) requires a pharmacist in charge to be employed at the outsourcing facility. 201 KAR 2:205 requires a pharmacist in charge to be licensed in Kentucky.

201 KAR 2:400(1)(1)(g) “An explanation if an applicant, owner, officer, or pharmacist-in-charge has ever been convicted of a felony or had a professional license or permit disciplined under federal, state, or local law."

201 KAR 2:205(1) "Pharmacist-in-charge" means a pharmacist licensed in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, who accepts responsibility for the operation of a pharmacy in conformance with all laws and administrative regulations pertinent to the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of prescription drugs and who is personally in full and actual charge of the pharmacy. 

​​Requirements for a resident Outsourcer Facility License
1. Complete the Outsourcer Facility License Application and indicate "New Outsourcer Facility". 
2. A payment of $250, by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
3. Mail the completed application and check (or proof of payment) to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
4. Inspection

Requirements for a non-resident Outsourcer Facility License
1. Complete the Outsourcer Facility License Application and indicate "New Outsourcer Facility".
2. A payment of $250, by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
3. Verification of resident state license/permit.
4. Mail the completed application, check (or proof of payment) and verification of resident state license/permit to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601

Requirements for a Change of Ownership for an existing Outsourcer Facility License
1. Complete the Outsourcer Facility License Application and indicate "Change of Ownership". 
2. A payment of $100, by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
3. Signed document of previous owner or legal documentation of the ownership change.
4. Mail the completed application, check (or proof of payment) and signed document to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
If you have any questions regarding what constitutes an ownership change, please call the Board office. If you are restructuring your ownership, please provide a letter of notification and details regarding this restructuring to determine if this is classified as a change of ownership.

Requirements for Change of Address/Location for an existing Outsourcer Facility License
1. Complete the Outsourcer Facility License Application and indicate "Change of Address/Location". 
2. A payment of $100, by check, made out to the "Kentucky State Treasurer".
3. A copy of your resident state license/permit with updated address or a copy of the paperwork submitted to implement the change of address for non-resident facilities.
4. Mail the completed application, check (or proof of payment)​ and copy a of resident state license/permit to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
5. Inspection for resident facilities.

Requirements for a Name Change for an existing Outsourcer Facility License
1. Submit an email to the Board, pharmacy.board@ky.gov requesting the change; or
2.     Complete the Outsourcer Facility License Application​ and indicate a "Name Change", or a personal letter of request. 
3. Mail the completed application or letter to
State Office Building Annex, Suite 300
125 Holmes Street
Frankfort, KY 40601
Outsourcer Facility Information